Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Seaside and Ching's World

Ching's World. Essentially, an experiment, a test balloon, a toy website which had very modest ambitions. Doing static html for a while gets one tired and eyes red from having to check where tags should go and checking if everything lines up correctly.

Ching's World was an attempt to learn Seaside. Learning is easier and accomplished faster if done hands-on style. Merely theorizing and imagining what might be a nice page does not help one to learn web programming. Simple things like rendering an image was a challenge when working on Ching's World.

Cebu City cries out for content. There is much to be done and one can get overwhelmed very easily by the idea of capturing Cebu City on a web page. How is it to be done? What aspect of the city needs to be highlighted?

Dumaguete sees the world with gentle eyes and this is how she likes it. Cagayan de Oro City is more in-your-face. The Night Cafe is one such thing. It bites your ass when you try to navigate Divisoria on weekends. While Dumaguete lulls you with the gentle slapping of the waves on the seawall of the Boulevard, Dumaguete challenges your tolerance when metal vie against metal in making progress an inch at a time. Cagayan de Oro is less forgiving to the pedestrian and motorist alike on weekends.

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