Sunday, June 04, 2006

Web servers

Trying to learn about websites inevitably led me to Web Servers. I did not know too much about websites and how they work but I had the Search Engine to help me locate information so I just Google away. The most ubiquitious web server is Apache and there are a lot of reading materials on it. However, I could sense that it was not going to be easy to tuck under my belt so I look around for something easier to digest. My friend BotP, is a big fan of Apache and I get a lot of inputs from him regarding the Web.

Browsing around a bookstore, I came upon Python Web Programming by Steve Holden. It looked authoritative and, on scannining the pages, I liked the topics which seemed to me well-covered. A cursory inspection made me like it as it seemed to have everything that I needed to learn about how to make automated websites. I had read a little Python before though I never did any programming with it, my philosophy being, 'do it only when you have a suitable project'. So, Python was just there tucked away somewhere in my mind; I liked the simplicity and directness as well as the indentation that also doubles as block scoping, unlike Java which I positively have an aversion for ( with apologies to all who might feel offended. It is just an ignorant fool's opinion after all)..

Steve Holden mentions a lot of neat details like, the Red Hat distribution of Linuz was written in Python, how the Google search engine was written in Python and a number of cool stuff. He also mentioned Xitami, a lightweight web server which he endorses enthrusiastically while presenting his own webserver written also in Python.

Cool blogs. Vist these pages:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

10:34 PM  
Blogger underdog said...

Thanks.Your comments are highly appreciated

7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

2:14 AM  

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